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Session 15: Industrial Revolutions 1-4 - Coggle Diagram
Session 15: Industrial Revolutions 1-4
What is Romanticism? Which ideals orways of seeing the world were promotedby Romantic artists and thinkers?
How was the understanding of the artist'sfigure changed throughout history?
Why was Neoclassicism seen as the beststyle to represent Enlightenment ideals?
What is the Enlightenment? How didit influence our understanding ofsociety and art?
Industrial Revolution
Industry: the people and activities involved in producing a particular thing, or in providing a particular services
Revolution: a great change inconditions, ways of working,beliefs, etc. that affects large numbers of people
Industrial Revolution: the period in the 18th and19th centuries in Europe and the US when machines began to be used to do work, and industry grew rapidly
Pre-industrial Societies
75% population lived in rural areas and where subsistent farmers
Rural villages werenearly self-sufficientand self-sustaining
Life expectancy was 40 years and infant mortality was very high
There was some very early industry, usually referred to as cottage industries or the domestic system
Main characteristics: Agriculture, Limited productivity, limited division of labour, limited variation of social classes
Pre-industrial economies
Juthro Tull: Influenced by the early Enlightenment, he is considered to be one of the early proponents of a scientific – and especially empirical –approach to agriculture
He helped transform agricultural practices byinventing or improving numerous implements
Tull made early advances in planting cropswith his invention of the seed drill (1701) – amechanical seeder that sowed efficiently atthe correct depth and spacing and thencovered the seed so that it could grow.
Thomas Savery, 1698: Patented a steam-powered pump:”A new inventionfor raising of waterand occasioningmotion to all sortsof work”
THOMAS NEWCOMEN, 1712: Combining the ideas ofThomas Savery, Newcomencreated a steam engine forthe purpose of lifting waterout of a mine - as in hislocal town, flooding in coaland tin mines was a majorproblem.
British Context
No internal customs
UK as a single market
British Naval power
Expanding empire
Economic expansion, Dev. of transportation systems, importing resources, competitively, tech. dev.
Population displacements, farming productivity, labour systems
Constant food availability, food surplus, less starvation, higher life expectancy.