Step 1: Student are given various text regarding the topic to be discussed

Step 2: Students are asked to read the first text, then are asked questions about the text

Step 3: Students identify words or expression that difficult in the text. Then, teachers ask students to guess the meaning in the text

Step 4: Students learn to listen the text. The teacher read the text and student listen it

Step 5: The teacher can invite native speakers to talk about the topics discussed, and students listen and practice with him/her.

Step 6: The teacher discuss orally about the text discussed, students are asked to re-tell what they have read

Step 7: The teacher asks some questions whose answer are not in the text, or the answer are not factual to foster students critical thinking skills

  1. Modelling

Step 1: The teacher explains the type of text (genre), which will be written, including its purpose, benefits and social context

Step 2: The teacher explains the stages or organizational structure of text and its function to support the text to achieve its goals

Step 3: The teacher shows a text in its entirety in the text that is the focus of the teaching cycle

Step 4: Students are asked to read and answer questions related to the text to assess their reading comprehension

Step 5: Teacher and students identify the organizational structure and linguistic features of the text

Step 6: Students are given another recount text

Step 7: If possible, students are given another recount text without being labeled with its organizational structure and linguistic characteristics

Step 8: Students can be given examples of text in the form of diaries and post cards

Step 9: Students are given another example of recount text containing same grammar errors and asked to identify and correct the errors

Step 10: For students who are higher in English proficiency, the sample text given can be longer with more diverse linguistic characteristic

Step 11: Steps to discuss about recount text, it is necessary to develop students' abilities in dialogue or make English dialogues

Step 12: Students are invited to discuss about the use of grammar, to guide students to learn grammar in contect

  1. Joint construction

The teacher together with the students write a text

The teacher asks students to write in group

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  1. Building knowledge of the field

Step 1: Students are divided into groups of three or four

Step 2: Teacher gives a plan of the type of text that students will write

Step 3: Students are asked to write a text about the topic that has been studied in the type of text that has been studied

Step 4: Teacher approaches each group and reminds students about the expression notes they get

Step 5: Each group consults on the draft they wrote

Step 6: Teacher and students publish the text

  1. Independent Construction

The stage when students write individually about topics that have been discussed in the type of text or genre that has been studied