Make 3 different antacid tablets and determine which antacid tablet is the most effective in neutralising acid in the stomach.

3 repetitions of the 3 different tablets

What is an antacid tablet?

How do I make an antacid tablet?

chemical composition of antacid tablet

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how can I measure neutralisation?

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What are the conditions of the stomach?

How can I replicate the conditions in the stomach?

What materials/ingredients will I need for the experiment?

What are the different types of antacid tablets?

What is the Acid?

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what is the chemical composition of the acid?

what is the process of neutralisation?

Hydrochloric acid/ HCL

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What are the ingredients for antacid tablets?

Aluminium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, etc.

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What types of antacid tablets will I use and why?

Sodium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Hydroxide
Aluminium Hydroxide

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why is an ionic compound used? Why not just the metals? How is bicarb soda an effective base without a metal being present?

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antacid tablets are made of ionic compounds consisting of metals and covalent compounds. E.g, magnesium hydroxide is made up of MgOH