Word Processing Software

Insert a Graphic


Making the document more appealing

Starting a document

Quick Access toolbar contains frequently used commands and is customizable

The mouse pointer changes shape depending on its location in the Word program window

insertion point indicates where text appears when you type

Screen Tip appears when you point to a button or element in the Word program window

Ribbon Display Options button hides or shows the Ribbon and tabs, the resizing buttons, and the program.

Word program window includes: title bar: file tab, the tell me box, the share button, document window, rules, scroll bars.

There are different types of mouse pointers in word like: I-beam, click and type, selection, right-pointing arrow, hand, hide white space, and show white space pointer

Tabs include buttons for commands related to editing and formatting documents

Word program window includes: status bar, view buttons, zoom level/ zoom slider,

  1. Begin a new document by typing in a blank document in the document window

Features in word: Autocomplete, autocorrect, spelling n grammar,

The operation of moving text from one location to another is called cut and paste

Keyboard shortcuts:

To store a document permanently, you must save it as a file. Use the Save button./ save command on the file tab

Save As dialog box buttons: back, forward, up to, organize, new folder and change your view

[Ctrl][X] to cut text

[Ctrl][C] to copy text

[Ctrl][V] to paste text

[Ctrl][A] to select all the text in a document

[Ctrl][S] to save a document

Paste Options button allows you to change the formatting of pasted text

Formatting a list with bullets or numbering can help to organize the ideas in a document

A bullet is a character, often a small circle, that appears before the items in a list to add emphasis

Changing a document’s margins is one way to change the appearance of a document and control the amount of text that fits on a page

font is a complete set of characters with the same typeface or design, you can also change the font color

You can insert graphic images, including photos taken with a digital camera, scanned art, and graphics created in other graphics programs, into a Word document

To insert a graphic file into a document, you use the Pictures command in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab

Adding a theme

Changing the theme applied to a document is a quick way to set the tone of a document and give it a polished and cohesive appearance, particularly if the text and any objects in the document are formatted with styles

theme is a set of unified design elements, including theme colors, theme fonts for body text and headings, and theme effects for graphics