Please enable JavaScript.
Coggle requires JavaScript to display documents. - Coggle Diagram
- More ways to write a number
- Hex, binary and octal numbers
- Tests: isFinite and isNaN
- Searching for a substring
- Get last elements with “at”
- Methods pop/push, shift/unshift
- Don’t compare arrays with ==
- Most methods support “thisArg”
- Calling an iterator explicitly
- Iterables and array-likes
- Object.entries: Map from Object
- Object.fromEntries: Object from Map
- Use case: additional data
- Object.keys, values, entries
- Object.keys, values, entries
- Smart function parameters
- Excluding and transforming: replacer
Promises, async/await
4, Error handling with promises
- Not just a syntactic sugar
- Super: internals, [[HomeObject]]
3, Static properties and methods
- Inheritance of static properties and methods
- Private and protected properties and methods
- Internal and external interface
6, Class checking: "instanceof"
- Bonus: Object.prototype.toString for the type
5, Extending built-in classes
- No static inheritance in built-ins
7. Comparisons
- Comparison of different types
- Comparison with null and undefined
6. Basic operators, maths, logical
- Terms: “unary”, “binary”, “operand”
- String concatenation with binary +
- Numeric conversion, unary +
- Continue to the next iteration
- Labels for break/continue
- Function Declaration (basic)
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
- Automated testing with Mocha
- Curly Braces
- Line Length
- Indents
- Semicolons
- Nesting Levels
- Function Placement
- Polyfills and transpilers
- Property names limitations
- Property existence test, “in” operator
- Object references and copying
- Cloning and merging, Object.assign
- Arrow functions have no “this”
- Constructor, operator "new"
- Constructor mode test:
- The “non-existing property” problem
- Other variants: ?.(), ?.[]
Prototypes, inheritance
- Writing doesn’t use prototype
Default F.prototype, constructor property
- Prototype methods, objects without proto
- Browser environment, specs
- DOM (Document Object Model)
- BOM (Browser Object Model)
- On top: documentElement and body
- Children: childNodes, firstChild, lastChild
4, Searching: getElement, querySelector
- document.getElementById or just id
- Browser-specific features
Error handling
- Error handling, "try...catch"
- Custom errors, extending Error
Generators, advanced iteration
- Using generators for iterables
- “yield” is a two-way street