“Then that day, I saw you enter the woods and although you couldn’t come to any harm in there, I... I couldn’t resist...” he looked sheepish. “And once I saw you, and smelt you at such close quarters... I- I had to taste you, I’m sorry,” he looked beseechingly at Draco. “I’m so terribly sorry – for scaring you like that, for... molesting you like that,” he hung his head and Draco felt his face burn again. “The second time was even worse, you actually came looking for me and... I find it so difficult not to touch you, it’s maddening,” Potter groaned, grabbed his hair again. “Once I was on you, I completely lost my mind; the wolf, it just took over... and then your arousal, the scent... it got stronger and-” Potter was panting slightly, not looking at Draco now. “I lost it. Any shred of control I had – I lost it.” He finally looked up and his eyes were frantic. “I promise I- it won’t happen again. You have nothing to be worried about, I promise I’ll stay clear,” Potter took a step back as if to reiterate his promise.