Support and Educational Implications
Some students may exhibit learning difficulties. Concerns may include inability to imagine objects in relation to each other, math-related spatial concerns, sense of direction and manual dexterity. Some students will have difficulty understanding the emotions and reactions of other people. A student may exhibit associated heart, thyroid, kidney or diabetic conditions. Consider school health plans. A student may be absent from school due to on-going medical care. Delays in sexual development and physical growth may lead to struggles in social development and self-esteem. Due to a student’s short stature, access to all parts of the educational environment may require accommodations. Revised April 2015 Special Education Division Permission to duplicate is granted if credit is maintained. Some students may exhibit specific difficulties with large movement activities such as throwing, catching and kicking balls. Educational Options Those students whose Turner syndrome adversely affects their educational performance may benefit from special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). To qualify under IDEA, a student must meet eligibility criteria in one of thirteen specific disability categories. IDEA entitles a student with a disability to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and an individualized education program, including individual goals, objectives, related services, accommodations and modifications. Students that do not qualify for services under IDEA may qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. To qualify under Section 504, a student must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (for example learning, breathing, thinking, concentrating, walking, bodily functions). Under Section 504, a student is entitled to equal opportunity, and may qualify for a Section 504 plan that provides regular or special education and related aids and services. A student with a health condition who does not require special instruction and related services can receive, as appropriate, a wide range of supports in the general education classroom, including accommodations, individualized health plans (IHP), emergency care plans (ECP) and local education agency supports