It is believed that the aging process causes cognitive decline such as a lowering of processing speed, a reduction in working memory, a decrease in learning and recall of new information, a loss in attention, an increase in reaction times, slower lexical access and recognition, and a worse storage of contextual information in memory.
“age stereotypes can threaten the self-perception, identity and agency of ageing learners (p.265)”
Growing data from studies in education, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, and neurolinguistics contradicts the widely held belief that age is the single most important predictor of L2 learning outcomes.
L2 learning has additionally been proposed as a promising means of promoting healthy and active aging; so, it might be viewed as a technique in later adulthood to preserve and promote "healthy" ageing - "anti-ageing activity."
a. relationship between participants’ L2 growth and verbal fluency and working memory;
b. participants’ cognitive capacities seem to be more predictive of seniors’ L2 progress than age
c. can modulate attentional functions
d.effects on sentence comprehension
e.motivation and less anxiety
f. socio-afective issues – i.e. by preventing isolation, fostering linguistic lexibility, self-esteem and