Realism ensures personal independence from the will of others, but the desire to master over others, either because of man’s natural inclinations or because of culturally induced expectations.
Realism is an attitude that may be shared by: conservatives, libertarians, socialists, anarcho-libertarians, and even environmentalists.
Realism should be described as powerism instead, because that is what it is all about, POWER.
Realism accordingly purports to view nations and international affairs according to the cold facts and not wishful thinking.
Taken. In human world, power is used to effect a change in affairs.
Realism has two major characteristics: 1- Realist don’t use what-if theories, they view things how it is and not how we wish it could be; no wishful thinking. 2. It proposes that ethics is useless and should embrace
power as the proper goal for man or for state.