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The Effect of Learner Training on the Use of Digital Tools to Support…
The Effect of Learner Training on the Use of Digital Tools to Support English
Writing Skills
Cunningham, U., Rashid, S., & Le, T. (2019)
Key words: CALL, learner training, writing skills, spell check, grammar check, word
processor, digital practices
The main purpose of the article is to investigate the effects of learner training for CALL general use tools on students
whose digital literacy is low
- An increase in connectivity, technical sophistication, and access to technology
- The level of basic digital competence
- Digital gap among learners
- Motivation of technology
- Stimulating collaborative writing
- The use of word processors
- CALL environments
- Training in MS word
Concluding part
Positive attitude towards technology
Consider the internet to be flexible and easily accessible
More need for expertise in advanced training