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Sleep and Aging, Stage 1
very light sleep, muscle activity slows down,…
Sleep and Aging
Assessment of Sleep
The sleep diary or log
Record the following for 2 to 4 weeks. To be completed by the person or caregiver if the person is unable.
The number of times a call for assistance to the bathroom or for pain medication or subjective symptoms of inability to sleep occur
Sleep disorders
is defined as a complaint of difficulty falling or staying asleep, poor sleep quality, or maintaining sleep
The clinical diagnosis
complaint of trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or early morning awakening, and resultant daytime dysfunction
are a category of sleep disorders characterized by abnormal experiences that occur during sleep or sleep-wake transitions
may experience abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, dreams, or physiological arousal
Stage 1
very light sleep, muscle activity slows down
Stage 2
Breathing pattern and heart rate slows down, body temperature decreases slightly
Stage 3
Deep sleep starts, brain starts to generate slow delta waves
Stage 4
Very deep sleep, muscle activity is limited
Stage 5
REM sleep, brain waves speed up and dreams occur, heart rate increases