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What We Learned in the Library - Coggle Diagram
What We Learned in the Library
Bug: Green dragons can breathe water and air; sometimes good. Lampads(?) killed Orynn the second time. Lamphryds - those starry monsters here to reinscribe order; they protect the dark places of the world.
Brass Serpent
Brass Serpent was once a coveted artefact of great power. Slain brass dragon by a Yuan-Ti; gives the owner dragon features
uh oh, they're in Kyhrlack or whatever
Orynn: looking for ways to get to Green Dragon and maybe getting to him via portals; Vengeance search: find and trap dragon.
Planes and planar travel: fey gates are real, and Orynn can feel and sense them; he can tell which ones are which by natural forces and energy they give off.
creatures fall in because they aren't mapped and they disappear. Orynn can maybe map
the planes are nesting dolls; to travel, the planes need to connect, and there's an order one has to use to travel through. Orynn is looking to find these portals
the coat: The Reavers gave him this cape with compliments of Ribbon Cutter; he can now dimension door
Reavers and Shroud are "on our side" and Orynn thinks there can be an alliance to meet our needs.
god war theory: gods aren't gone, they are somewhere else and they're very present and they are trying to come back. Maybe they're using the moon?
this might be related to the interplanar "off"ness
old gods magic and life magic/resurrection: maybe called on the gods to intervene, but that means the gods had to be somewhere accessible.
Skai: reproduction of tapestry; Sylvan verb conjugation; location of the druids in the are
ascension to godhood: old gods and new old god;
old gods became gods through the Dawnwar (ancient conflict); new old gods created celestia
exisitng gods can have vassals and become a lesser god
a couple gods together can invite someone to the god table. Gruumsh elevated Lloth to win a war against Corellon
rituals can take place (Shroud and Vecna)--bind yourself to a power of a plane.
most gods don't want new gods, unless it fills a vacuum/absent seat; there's no competition
Gorian is older than Opalheart and super powerful, and he can do true polymorph!
Shroud: on the side of RQ, sacrificed body in Vecna fight (ethical proto-deity we can trust)
moments where bodies can be created/used to store souls
even a story of a Bard who could pull the soul back with their allies
Bane, war of god and conquest, has been at war with other gods; other gods are very angry, and maybe in outer planes? (Asmodeius and Zehir)
gods can become gods (hi, Shroud)
30 of April in 35 YS (the day the red moon started growing) 52 years ago - Furywards/Rage wards ruled by Bane
Golinnia Tower: 6 main floors, including a library, living quarters, academy, ritual chamber, and head mage study.
Cof'Ellen Whispwalk (best oracle); tower inhabitants moved out to Dragonsback mountain.
Ashen Staff: great power wielded by Darian Khyrvenir as the ruler of Khyrlack. has the soul of Darian's predecessor; powerful necromancy
The Brass Serpent was once a coveted magic item worn as an ornament by the rulers of an ancient—now gone—Yuan-Ti community that was later replaced by Khyrlack. It was forged from the scales of a slain brass dragon by a Yuan-Ti mage with the help of a dwarven master smith who was enslaved by them. It is rumored to endow the wearer with some of the powers of a brass dragon. It is unknown, however, where it is currently located, though it is assumed to have been passed down among the ruling classes of the blue dragonborn of Khyrlack.
there's a druid there! (Skai) east by the sea, there's a city with Regent Khyrvanyr
Future Areas
unbreakable god oaths
creepy grandpas and barbarian cults
Lance finds news about the family business; good news: the prophesy of the godkiller is real. One day, an orc will rise and be able to kill another god. We "hunt the hunters"; Bug is the first orc born with magical abilities.
Bug needs to collect magic items (way ancient civilizations in the southern cities): Dragons of Timmorron and Clockwork Mystics of Acherovia
Bad news: Grandpa has a dark side; he thought of himself as a "favored soul" and born with magic, he felt like he could get the divine energy after the gods were killed. He thinks the silence is cause they're dead. Used Bug and Lance as test subjects in order to
Gruumsh is a god killer
30th of APril
theories for the silence
power struggles
Watchmakers GUild donated texts to library that describe theories of rational inquiry that base worldly power based on The Weave rather than divine intervention. The Weave is the raw arcane magic in the world we channel
increased fighting so that their followers in the material plane also started having conflict; warring empires because of conflicts of the gods. Gods wanted to mitigate this with diplomacy between themselves
Moridan accused Gruumsh and God of Assasins (Zahir 400BS)for trying to kill all the god, but Gruumsh killed the God of Assasins; they all withdrew to have a god summit. Spells against intrusion and divination woven by Ioun.
Zahir was patron god of the Yuanti
SHadow-Kai (dark interplanar elves); followers of the Raven Queen
dead gods
who is annotating these books? (sexy cursive)
The Old Gods
How long do ponies live?
(on a 23): 40 years, can't carry a rider the whole time; Pony Immortality: hippogriffs, centaurs, and unicorns with magic bloodlines can extend lifespans;
Learning Ressurrection spells
possible, but really hard, and requires risk. It's a remote possibility. Some Bards (????) have borrowed it from another class. 1 of 2 things have to be true: if it happens, there can be grave consequences like tearing at the fabric of life and death; it also might require a space where this ritual has been done before.
more powerful Bards?
Need: a ritual site