




H.O.T questions


Opening Questions: What are different ways we have learned to solve a multiplication.

What is an array?

Guiding Questions: Look around the classroom, do you see soothing that is an array? Mr. Bloom has 12 strawberry plants. describe all the different arrays that Mr.Bloom can make using all of his strawberry plants.

Closing Question: How can you use arrays model multiplication and find factors? What method did you use to find the product?

Definition: This is an assessment done in the middle of a lesson. This can inform, not just the teacher, but also the student how they are doing during this lesson.

Definition: This is a higher stakes assessment, that occurs at the end of the learning process.

Quiz: students can take a quiz so they can check their understanding. they can self grade it with a red pen so they can see what they missed. This can also help the teacher guide instruction for the rest of the unit.

Thumbs up, middle, down: When you finish a page in the book or a small topic you can check the students understanding by having them give a thumbs up for "got it" middle or sideways thumb for "so-so" or down for "I don't get it"

Midterm or Final exams: This is a collective exam of all the units to test the students understanding of the whole class/year of learning.

FInal projects: This could be in the form of a report/paper or a power point students have to present to the class.

Definition: In a performance assessment the student is required to perform something rather than take a test or quiz.

Definition: This is to see where students are exactly in their learning and if they are on track. it is usually a test.

STAAR: State exam benchmark all student take starting in 3rd grade.

Designing and conducting an experiment: Students will design and conduct a science experiment in front of a teacher.

Making a map: Students will make a map from memory to show what they know.

Definition: These are used as pre-assessments to determine where students should start or what level they are on. This info helps teachers plan what do to with students with thing like intervention.

istation Benchmark test: This is taken at the beginning of each 6 weeks to test how students are doing.




Running records: These are where the student reads a leveled book toy and you can determine if that level is good for them or if they need to go lower or higher,

Where to start word test: This test helps determine where to star on a reading level book.