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Depresi, Putri Agni Panyya 1908260064, Referensi Chand SP, Arif H.…
Gangguan Mood
Suasana hati didefinisikan sebagai nada perasaan yang meresap dan berkelanjutan yang bertahan secara internal dan yang mempengaruhi hampir semua aspek perilaku seseorang di dunia luar. Gangguan mood digambarkan dengan gangguan yang nyata pada emosi (titik terendah yang parah disebut depresi atau tingkat tertinggi yang disebut hipomania atau mania).
Klasifikasi Gangguan Mood
Gangguan depresi Unilateral
Gangguan bipolar
Gangguan mood
Gangguan siklotimik
Patofisiologi Depresi
Definisi Depresi
=> kondisi yang terkait dengan peningkatan / penurunan suasana hati seseorang.
Etiologi Depresi
Gangguan kimia pada otak
Penyakit keturunan
Kondisi medis
Obat - obatan
Faktor Risiko
Riwayat gangguan mental pada keluarga
Menggunakan obat obatan, alkoholisme
Riwayat penyakit kronis
Diagnosis Banding
Irganic mental disorders
Tanda Gejala : SIGECAPS
Pemeriksaan Status Mental berdasarkan PPDGJ III
Episode Depresi Ringan (2 gejala mayor, 2 gejala minor = 2 minggu)
Episode Depresi Sedang (2 gejala mayor, 3 gejala minor = 2 minggu)
-Episode of Major Depression without psychotic symptoms : (3 main symptoms (at least) plus 4 additional symptoms (at least) that have lasted 2 weeks)
Major Depressive Episode with psychotic symptoms :(Meets criteria for a major depressive episode, accompanied by delusions, hallucinations, or depressive stupor)
Tatalaksana & Klasifikasi Antidepresan
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, vilazodone, vortioxetine
Serotonin/norepinefrin reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)
venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, and levomilnacipran
Antidepresan atipikal
bupropion, mirtazapine, nefazodone, and trazodone
Modulator Aktivitas Serotonin-Dopamin (SDAM)
Antidepresan trisiklik (TCA)
Inhibitor monoamine oksidase (MAOIs)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRI memiliki keuntungan dari kemudahan pemberian dosis dan toksisitas rendah pada overdosis. Mereka juga merupakan obat lini pertama untuk depresi onset lambat.
Mekanisme Kerja Obat Antidepresan
Obat ini bekerja dengan cara menyeimbangkan kandungan senyawa kimia alami di dalam otak yang disebut neurotransmitter, sehingga bisa meredakan keluhan dan membantu memperbaiki suasana hati dan emosi.
Major depression has very high morbidity and mortality contributing to high rates of suicide. Even though effective drug treatment is available, nearly 50% may not initially respond. Complete remission is not common but at least 40% achieve partial remission in 12 months.
MDD is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. It not only causes a severe functional impairment but also adversely affects the interpersonal relationships, thus lowering the quality of life. Individuals with MDD are at a high risk of developing comorbid anxiety disorders and substance use disorders, which further increases their risk of suicide.
Patient education has a profound impact on the overall outcome of major depressive disorder. Since MDD is one of the most common psychiatric disorders causing disability worldwide and people in different parts of the world are hesitant to discuss and seek treatment for depression due to the stigma associated with mental illness, educating patients is very crucial for their better understanding of the mental illness and better compliance with the mental health treatment. Family education also plays an important role in the successful treatment of MDD.
Putri Agni Panyya
Chand SP, Arif H. Depression. [Updated 2022 Jul 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
Bains N, Abdijadid S. Major Depressive Disorder. [Updated 2022 Jun 1]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Depression: Overview. [Updated 2020 Jun 18]. Available from:
Sekhon S, Gupta V. Mood Disorder. [Updated 2022 May 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: