MUN Workshop

Date : 13th October 2022

Day : Thursday

To discuss and collaborate wih other delegates

Goals of MUN

To create frameworks that can be easily implemented

To have in-dept knowledge of world issues

To find solutions for the given agenda

The Chair : Facilitates debate

Members of your commitee

Know your foreign policies

How do you represent your country in a MUN ?

What is your countries's stance in the agenda

Internal issues happening in your country related to the problem

Do not talk about your personal opinion and stick to your country

Vice Chair : Handles Logistics

Press member : Eyes and ears of the Dia

Logistic Members : Deals with the organization of a committee

Point of information : Questions a delegate on another delegate's speech or request for information. Your country's voice is heard in the committee.

Point of order : When you notice the dias has made a mistake

Point of Personal Privileage : If you can't hear somebody, if you want ti step out, and other such things

Point of parliamentary inquiry : Questions on procedure

Right to reply : The right to refute when insulted by another country


Moderated Caucus

Unmoderated Caucus : Lobby , talk to delegates, build a resolution together

General Speaker List : Country's can speak a very basic , general idea of the topic -- not mandatory

Open close debate : Happens in the first and last session

Appeal the decision of the chair / Dias

Types of discussion

Free talk

Informal Session (unmoderated caucus)

Follows RoP

Often disorganised

Chairs will observe, but nothing else

Formal Session

Structured and organised

Any action is approved by the chair

Logical Fallacy

Factual inaccuracy

Dress code for MUN - formal attire