French Canadians were against the English Canadians due to linguistic connection, some looked up to France, but none wished to support the UK financially because they believed they had caused the war. The French government surrendered to Germany in 1940, and the Vichy government was set by Germany in the south of France. Right-winged French Canadians appealed to this government because it recommended to French Canadians retain voluntarism (depending on volunteers to join the armed forces). This worsened things because the French language newspapers were anti-Semitic, anti-British, and anti-war. Then the Free French movement was created, and it was led by General Charles de Gaulle. It vowed to liberate France from Germany, and it was set in London, but the French Canadians supported it. Mackenzie King led Canadians to dislike Pétain’s right-winged views that supported Nazi control.