Enters the heart, pericardium and liver. Cool and bitter herb. This is a cool herb that invigorates the blood. It's commonly used for gynecologic application. (postpartum pain, irregular menses, retain lochia). It enters the ying and blood level of the heart to help irritability, insomnia., restlessness and palpitations. Nourishes the blood, but this is a weaker function of this herb.
DUI YAO - Mu Dan Pi
Dan Shen focuses primarily on invigorating blood, secondarily it is cooling. Mu Dan Pi focuses on cooling the blood, secondarily it is invigorating. Together they treat heat in the Ying/Xue level causing bleeding disorders.
Dan Shen 10-15g, Mu Dan Pi 6-10g
DUI YAO - San Qi
Not found together in any classical formulas but there is modern research looking at it for cardiac diseases. Dan Shen is cool and inivigorating and nourishes blood, while San Qi is warm and transforms blood stasis and stops bleeding.
Dan Shen 10-15g, San Qi 3-10g
DUI YAO - Tan Xiang
Used together in Dan Shen Yin. Dan Shen goes to the blood level and invigorates blood. Tan Xiang goes tot he qi level and regulates qi. Together they regulate qi and blood of the Lungs and Stomach to treat pain n the chest and diaphragm. The classic pain it treats has an upward radiating quality.
Dan Shen 10-15g, Tan Xiang 3-6g