The internet

The internet in the past

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET

Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet

It was made on january 1st 1983

the internet now

There are over 5.47 billion active internet users

4.32 billion people use their mobile devices to go online

There are more than 1.98 billion websites online.

As of February 2022, China has over 1 billion active users

There are 198.4 million active websites on the web.

artificial intelligences

Computer vision. .

Explainable AI (XAI)

Deep learning. This branch of AI tries to closely mimic the human mind. .

Natural language processing (NLP) ...

Smart assistants.

Self-driving cars.

Manufacturing robots

Automated financial investing.

Marketing chatbots.

Virtual travel booking agent

Social media monitoring

future internet

Some experts believe that 6G networks could one day allow you to hit max speeds of one terabit per second

People will be so connected via the internet that they will be able to create new digital "nations" with other people who share their interests

6G internet is expected to launch commercially in 2030.