What trends currently impact the workplace?
Union benefits
Organization Structures
Chain of command
How trade and technology has created more connected and interdependent companies.
Talent Mobility
Gives the employees within a company room to grow and move around within the company.
Work specialization
span of control
Decision making including only people at the top of the company
Who reports to who, to report to the manager or owner
Instructions are passed around from people other than only managers or owners.
Turns individual tasks into separate jobs.
Creates a trustworthy company.
The more employees, the wider the span of control is within the company
Improves the speed of decision making
The higher up the employee is, the more decision making abilities they hold.
Improves communication within a company.
Allows employees of a company to give and receive information.
Large jobs can be divided into tasks completed in a team manner, for example: assembly lines in a foctory. One big job, turned into multiple small tasks to complete the job.
Policies, job descriptions, procedures, and rules are written out and put into action.
Lower costs for products.
Providing better services to people.
Recruitment from international places.
Increases the levels of competition.
Different effects on the environment.
Increases unemployment rates, from company closures due to strong competition.
How technology can help buisnesses
Smaller companies can have a more level ground for competition with bigger companies.
Advertising can be used for anyone to see products anywhere in the world.
Creates a wireless atmosphere for growing comapanies.
Employees can access work from anywhere.
Improves communication within a company, from higher levels all the way down.
Cross training.
New position openings.
Team projects.
Job transfers.
Workplace Culture
The benefits of being an entrepreneur
The potential of having a great source of income.
Doing a job that you have a passion for.
Putting your own ideas into action.
Being your own boss.
The potential of creating a family asset.
First steps to success
Becoming known within the community.
Having a variety in products.
Being involved in the community.
Having the motivation to achieve success.
Having competition.
The makeup of a workplace environment
Union disadvantages
Sinority, no matter your work ethic.
Ways a union can be attracted
Pay new employees the same wages as old ones.
Keep poor working employees, with bad habits at the company.
Decrease or take outage option for benefits.
Pay less than regular wages.
Increased costs.
Less individuality.
Higher wages.
Guaranteed benefits and pension.
Predictable working hours.
Postive attitudes
Builds the character and personality of the company/organization.
Holds the values, traditions, and interactions of the business.
Creates teamwork
Increases productivity.
Increases employee satisfaction.