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Marxism on crime and deviance - Coggle Diagram
Marxism on crime and deviance
crime is cirminogenic: this means that it was designed to support capitalism and intentionally targets the working lass as victims of crimes and the main perpetrators of crime.
capitalim uses this algorithm to enforce criminogenic system: advertising material good+keeping w/c wages low so they cant afford it= w/c people committing crimes to reach the materialistic goals. similar to the strain theory.
chambliss: capitalism promotes false needs, crime is in every class group
w/c crime are usually very violent and acts to combat exploitation
u/c crimes are usual very subtle and use crimes to increase wealth such as white collar crime.
Gordon: capitalism is a dog eat dog society that leads to criminal activities. he views crime as a rational act to get ahead of other people in society.
snider: competition in capitalism puts pressure on companies to break laws and corporate crimes are seen as invisible and have a higher effect on society then street crime.
ideological state apperatus: this is a method of controlling the masses by changing the way they thing about society to conform with hegemonic ideologies. eg education, media, family and media. the isa uses informal social control to control people.
repressive state apparatus: controls the masses through physical force so they will conform to dominant ideologies. done through CJS, laws and police
ISA could be seen through parents encouraging their children to work harder other wise they won't get far in life. socialising them to conform to the meritocratic system. this promotes the false belief of social mobility.
the ISA's prerequisite was to insure that people of all classes were indoctrinated to believe that society is meritocratic and the fact the w/c people have not got to the top of the class system aims to discourage them form trying to reach high goals in life.
However he saw that social control could also be implemented through physical manners using physical cohesion to conform all classes to the elites ideology.
uses formal control to force people to conform to dominant ideologies.
one example could be the 2011 riots when police aims to prevent protests this forces people into silence and doesn't give them a chance to speak out about their inequality
this could also be seen through he BLM protests
Evaluation: - this i just theoretical as he does not make his own research to back up his claim
people could reject dominant ideologies without needing to fall victim to the RSA
we (the masses) choose the government this means that we are the ones who are at fault for when a government is oppressing the w/c
selective law enforcement: the ruling class use their power to focus the CJS's resources on w/c crime so they can get away with their own crimes. crime being a social construct mean that the ruling class is able to manipulate the perception of who the real criminals of society is.
for example there have been around 79 fatal stabbings in London in 2020 and police focused heavily on that compared to the approximately 69,000 that had work related injuries that could be due to lack of health and safety in their work place, which is also illegal.
snider; the cost of u/c crime cost economies way more that street/ w/c crime cost the economy. people who are involved in corporate crimes are less likely to be prosecuted, found out or even given a just sentence. people in the u/c are able to pay of a settlement to make their chrges go away
ideological function of law: this means the the cjs focuses on w/c crimes and often w/c people are just perceived as criminals anyways.
gordan: persecution of u/c people shows that the cjs is fair, however there are not that many successful prosecutions of people in the u/c.
we can see the impact of over representation of ethnic minorities and w/c people
the cor prate nature of white collar crimes means that offenders go unnoticed not that the cjs is just ignoring their crimes.
law creation: the ruling class use their power to create law to benefit them. chambliss: the main purpose of law is to make sure that the u/c was protected form the w/c
the ruling class use their connections with politicians to pass laws. eg Rupert Murdoch. large companies use lobbying groups to pass law in the interests of the ruling class. the media presents the w/c as deviant so that society believes that they need to be controlled
ideological function of laws: by criminalising the w/c this means that u/c people are able to protect themselves from a w/c revolution. theft, trespassing and copyright laws aim to make sure that the u/c is able to benefit of the ruling class. the government would rarely pass law the interfere with u.c business unless they are pressured into doing so but the masses.
ideological function: law that are meant to protect the w/c still benefit capitalism. pearce: legislation that legislation the protects employees are a smoke scree that form a false ideology that the u/c care about their employees. this is becuse they will get more customers as they would be seen as a social liberation company improving their profit
for example:
large businesses are able to avoid tax openly
the government are struggling to put laws in place after grenfell to ensure that buildings are made with safe materials as it would be too expensive for companies to build safe buildings.
laws are created for harmony in society
laws protect everyone form harm such as violence and theft
-consumer right befits everyone not just the ruling class