Movement in Geography
Globalization and Trade
Absolute Advantage: the ability of an individual or group to carry out a particular economic activity more efficiently than another individual or group.
Asylum Protection granted by a nation for refugees who have left their native country. An example of this is Poland, who granted protection to refugees from Ukraine because of the war. I learned that Syria has granted asylum to 6.8 million refugees making it the top country with granted asylums
Brain drain: a lot of intelligent people emigrating out of the country. An example is doctors, scientists, and engineers emigrating to other countries because of better oppourtunities. I learned that even though they do this for their own future, they leave a lot of poeple behind in their own country who need their support
Carrying Capacity: The average population in a habitat, it is also about how the supplies in the environment will limits the population's size
Types of Communities
Documented immigrant a person who has the proper records and identification for admission into another country. An example is a green card or a citizenship. I learned that 77% of the immigrants in the US are documentd.
Gentrification: the process of a poor neighborhood getting changed by wealthier people moving in.
Infrastructure: the facilities and requirements to serve a city and its economy, like roads, power supply and buildings.
emmigrant someone who leaves their country to settle in another one. An example of this might be a family who wants to move to the US for a better life. I learned that Russia has the most emigrants as of now.
Immigrant is a person who comes to live in another country permanently. An example is someone who comes to the US for a job and to permanently live there. I learned that the country with the most immigrants is the US
IDB people who are forced out of thier homes but remain in the same country. An example of this is people in Ukraine who have lost their homes yet they remain in the country, I learned that Ukraine has the biggest number of Idps becuase of the war.
Refugee A person that is forced to leave their country because it is not safe for them. An example is Ukraine, which has the most refugees becuase of the war against Russia that is disrupting their lives. I learned that it has about 7.7 million refugees since the start of the war.
Primitive city: The largest city in population in it country.
Redlining: refuse a loan to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk or deemed hazardous. Mainly done due to discrimination.
Rural to urban migration Lack of education and health care, and job loss can all be reasons people migrate from rural areas to urban areas. An example is someone who lost their job as a farmer and has no choice but to move into the city for a new job. I Learned that there have been a lot of people who move from rural areas to urban areas for a lot of reasons.
Rural: Farmland out side of a city, mainly having a small population.
Sustainable Cities: Cities that use eco-friendly technology, such as living roofs, in order to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxides into the atmosphere
Urban: Town area/city area usually with a high human density.
Urban planning: the process of developing and designing urban areas to meet the needs of a community.
Rural to urban migration Better jobs with higher wages, better living conditions, less chance of natural disasters. An example is someone moving to an urban place because they feel that they will have a better life over there because of higher paying jobs. I learned that this is a pull factor.
Population Density: Number of people that live inside a certain area, it is also used to describe the location, growth, and migration.
Balance Trade: the difference in value between a country's imports and exports. An example is the US having a 600 billion trade defecit after importing 1.8 million and exporting 1.2 trillion. I learned that how balance trade works and that it is an important indicator of a countries trade
Ukraine People leaving the country because of the war. This is an example of refugees. I also learned that this war has been going on for 8 months now.
Belt and Road initiative: China is building trade and roads to help poorer countries.
Undocumented immigrant People who illegally enter a country. or who's visa's have expired yet they keep on living there. An example is people crossing the US/Mex border illigally. I learned that they do this in search of a better life with hope to find a job and support their family,
Winners from globalization Corporations such as big companies authorized by the state. Examples of this include a company or a group of people like us. I learned that corporations are the only winners of globalization
Losers from globalization there are many losers and these include workers, communities, citizens, and even governments. Examples of these are tax-payers amd workers who lose their jobs sometimes. I learned that there are a lot of losers from this
Global Supply Chain: covers all the steps involved in manufacturing and delivering a product or service when those steps take place in more than one country.
Commodities: Raw materials traded around the globe mainly used to create products
Exports: Sending goods or services to other countries. An example of this is the US exporting transportation equipment to Canada. I learned that refined petroleum is what the US exports the most of.
Container Ships: ship that carries all of its load in truck-size intermodal containers. There are 7 examples of these which are small feeder, feeder, feedermax, Panamax, Post-Panamax, New Panamax and ultra-large. I learned that these ships are really important as they are responsible of 90% of the worlds trade
Ivory Coast and Chocolate: Farmers in the Ivory Coast in Africa grow Cocoa for the world.Their chocolate is really important and an example is that they provide 45% of the worlds chocolate. Even through all this I learned that the farmers get paid poorly with as little as $1 a day.
Globalization: interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
Choke Points: straits or canals that see high volumes of traffic because of their optimal location. There are any examples of this but some of the most important ones include the strait of Hormuz, the Malaccan strait, the Suez canal, and the Panama canal.I learned that choke points are very important to the worlds trade as they are shortcuts or the only way to trade to other places in the world
Panama Canal This canal is located in the central American country called Panama, the canal is owned by the United States
Imports: Receiving goods traded from other countries. An example of this is the US reciveing things such as machinery from different countries. I learned that the US recieves $2.94 billion worth of ceramic products from China.
Fair Trade: Helps farmers get a reasonable payment for the goods they grew and sold. An example is farmers in Ivory coast that don't get paid fairly so this makes it so that they get get the payment that they deserve. I learned that fair trade sells the farmers chocolate for a bit more money in order for them to get a reasonable payment
Capital: item generated by nature or people to aid in the production of other things required by humans to generate profit.
Investment: The using of funds to get more money/products later through a mutually agreed upon deal.
An example of this are the farmlands outside of a city.
Example: Singapore
Scarcity The state of being in short supply of or having limited resources. An example of this is Lebanon which has a short supply of clean drinkable water as of now. I learned that A lot of countries are scarce of many things even the wealthy countris. That is why they trade with each other
New York City The largest city in the United States is New York city, with a population of 8.38 Million
Megacity: A city whose population is more than 10 million.
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Favela: fast growing town outside of a big city, due to large amounts of migration.
example: Chicago population(2.699 million)
Cities growth: Many big cities are created from a small community growing faster and faster with more people moving in
(example)Tokyo Japan: Tokyo has a population of 13 million people
What I learned: Areas with a big African American population are denied things like mortgages, insurance loans, and other financial services due to their race and ethnicity.
Example: Building public works like schools, hospitals, and parks. Safety and transportation such as roads, police, and fire facilities.
What I learned: there are only a few megacities in the world.
What I leaned: In the Cote D'ivoire, the country has a perfect climate conditions for Cocoa, meaning production of Cocoa is way better than any other country in the world. This makes the country produce 45% of Cocoa in the world
What I learned: Infrastructure is like the base of a city, without it, cities can fall apart.
Example: The ancient silk road connected countries like Europe and Asia with trade.
Example: some common commodities are grains, gold, beef, oil, and natural gas.
What I learned: Global supple chain is like a lot of people working together to make something.
Example: One country produces commodities, trades the commodities to another country that produces a product, then sells the product to customers in another country.
Example: A person buys a car from the United States, like Japan, then Japan ships the car to the United States.
Example: a farmer in the Ivory Coast, sends raw cocoa to another country that manufactures it into chocolate.
What I learned: China is doing this in order to take control of countries with their debts owed after the project.
What I learned: Favelas create a lot of gangs and violence, a violent drug Cartel came from favelas.