Animals whit backbones
Jetliles Anemones and Corals
They dont have organis
sponges cell takes in the food and oxigen
jelies aneomes and coras
jelis no has bones
An eneome can creep along
corals alos have sthinging tentacles for gettin food
They have tissues tht formorgans
They have special cells taht allow them to be in dark areas
sanils ocopuses
Both have shell have muscular foot
sea stras
They have a spiny skin
They have strucures like suction cups under neath thir arm
Anthro pods
They have on exoskeleton
spiders ans scorpions
crabs lobsters hrimp they have 5 pairs pairs of legs
Most have wings antennea and compoun eyes legs they have 3 body parts head thorax and abdomen