Animals without backbone
Jellies Anemones and Corals
Sponges dont have any organs.The absorve the water and nutrients in their holes
The Jellies no have bones heart or brain.Anemny is like upside down Its tentacles and mouth face upward.Corals also have stinging tentacles for getting food,they lives in colonies and produce a hard skeleton arown their soft bodies
They have tissues that form organs systems they have special cells that allow them to be dark areas
Snails and octopus
both have skull and muscular foot
Sea stars
They have a spiny skin the have structurs like suction cups undeath their arm
anthro pods
They have exoskeleton
spiders and scorpions 2 parts of the body
Crats lobsters they have 5 pairs of legs
most have wings and compound eyes they have 3 body parts head thorax and abdomen