
Animals without a backbones


Jellies,Anemones and corals


Snails and Octopuses

They are several different groups of invertebrates

An anemone is like an upside-down jelly can creep along. They live in colonies.

Some worms are very colorful. Some live in land, while others live in water. Some even live inside other animals

The sponge's cells take in the food and oxygen, and the water leaves through a larger opening

A jelly has no bones, heart or breain

hoth have muscular foot the octopus have a shel

Sea Stars

They have spiny skin

They havee estructures like sescrion cups underneart their arms


They have legs with jounts divided enter sections



They have five parts of legs breath throught gills

Spiders and Scorpions

The body parts eight legs and eight eyes


They have an eskeleton

Most have wings, antemae, compound eyes

They have 3 body parts of the body, head, thorax abdomen.