Animals without backbones

Jellies, Anemones, and Corals.



Snails and Octopuses.

Are simple animals without organs.

A jelly has no bones, heart, or brain.

The sponges cells take in the food and oxygen.

An anemone is like an upside-down jelly and can creep along.

They each produce a hard akeleton around their soft bodies, and they live in colonies.

Worms have tissues that form organs and organ systems.

Worms can be flat, round, or made up of small sections.

Both have muscular foot

The octopus has a shell inside its body.

Sea Stars

They have spiny skin.

They have struction cups undreath their arms.


They have legs with joints divided into sections.

(SPIDERS) Two body parts, eight legs, eight eyes,

(CRUSTACEANS) They have five pairs of legs, breath throught gills.


They have an exoskeleton.

Most have wings, antemae, compund eyes.

They have 3 body parts of the body; head, thorax, abdomen.


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