Overall, the Protestants would have been the happiest of the two branches of christianity. The presence of a protestant queen, the Act of Supremacy and the 39 Articles show a heavily protestant faith in terms of beliefs, the educated protestants would have access to the english bible, would partake in a church that does not believe in transubstantiation, and therefore be pleased with the direction of Elizabeth's church. However, that is not to say that catholics are displeased. While protestantism rides hand in hand with literacy, in order to have access to the bible, catholics made up the vast majority of the less literate population. Those catholics would enjoy the altars and vestments that demonstrate a slight lean towards catholicism on a parish level. Elizabeth's order to tread lightly in the change of the Act of Uniformity meant that the majority of catholics saw little change to their daily practice, besides a change in wording at mass.