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Tectonics pt2 (living with tectonic hazards) - Coggle Diagram
Tectonics pt2 (living with tectonic hazards)
Modification of events
Modify the event
-- reduce the impact
Spraying water to cool lava.
This is very time consumer however.
Low cost
Dropping concrete blocks to slow down the flow of lava.
Divert lava flows through the digging of trenches (this helps move divert lava away from population centres).
Lava barriers to slow down and redirect lava flows.
It is hard to modify the event if it is an explosive eruption.
This is not really possible due to the nature of earthquakes.
Modify vulnerability
Community preparedness
This requires the identfication of people who are most at risk and helping them prepare by giving them first aid advice and doing evacuation drills.
Teaching people to have emergancy kits and what to have in them (water, dried food, radio, torch and noisy device to attract attention).
Everyone should be trained so that they know what to do incase of an event.
Warning and predication
This means ensuring people are warned as early as possible such as by text (as was used in the 2011 Japan earthquake).
This can be very expenensive and their is a chance that epople wont beleive the warnings.
Land use zonning
This is decided by the govenrment and enables them to map which areas are more dangerous and then decide which buildings are built in these different areas. In high risk areas they:
Do not build nuclear power stations and housing.
In areas prone to tsunamis they may plant mangroves.
Hazard mapping
This enables a country to identify areas prone to lahar flows, liquefication and similar hazards.
Hazard resitent building design
Asiesmic design is used to reduce the threat to buildings, techniques attempt to reduce the impact of ground shaking and displacment with the ultimate goal of preventing the building from collapsing.
Deep foundations
Energy absorbant pads (abosrbing horizontal energy)
Rubber and steel are used in EDCs and LIDCs as they are a cheap option.
Many old buildings are redesigned to fit asiesmic building methods.
Modify loss
Emergancy aid kits
This can be very expensive and is not really available to EDCs and LIDCs.
Disaster responce teams and equipment
Search and rescure strategies
Insurence for buildings and businesses (reduces economic, but no social loss).
Long term aid (reconstruction and improving reslience)
Very costly in time and money.
World Agency of Plantery Montioring and Earthquake Risk Reduction
This is used to reduce the risk from earthquakes through predication, estimating tsunami risk and helping with builing constructions.
Why do people live in tectoncilly active areas
Geothermal power
Energy is produced through using the steam released from geomthermal sights to turn a turbine that then produces energy.
This is a green and renewable energy source.
Japan has been making use of its geomthermal power since the 60s, but since the 2011 earthquake this has increased, however, they are contrasained by the fact that 80% of their geothermal power is located in national parks.
Indonesia has plans to build the largest geothermal power station in the world which could produce 350 MW
People simply can't afford to move away from tectoncilly active areas.
Fertile soil
Volcanic ash and the minerals expelled by volcaneos help create very fertile soil, this can be further improved by weathering releasing more minerals.
In wet and tropical areas the soil is even more fertile and in areas such as Indonesia this can help them grow 2 or 3 crops a year.
Only 13% of Japan's land is agriclutral land, but thanks to the fertile soil this is enough.
1% of the world is covered in volcanic ash, but it supports 10% of the worlds population.
Mineral extraction
Many minerals that are used in the industrial process are found around plate boundaries.
This can be very dangerous.
In LIDCs much of the extraction is done by hand despite the fact that the water can reach a pH of 0.5 (which is the pH of battery acid), this poses a threat to life.
Family home/culture/historical link
Many cultures around volcaneos view them as important. Around Mt Merpia people will throw items into the volceno when it is a full moon to warn them of eruptions.
Apathy to the fact it is tectonic
Some people either don't care or believe that the risks are so low that they are willing to take them.
Easy access to ground water
Fault lines assocaited with earthquakes can enable water to flow to the surface.
Volcaneo tourism
This has become increasingly popular as people wish to see dormant and active volcaneos with specialist guides.
Tectoniclly active areas may also have astheticlly pleasing sights that people wish to vist such as the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
Mt Fuji is climbed by 300,000 people a year.
Can be hard to avoid if you live in a very tectoncilly active country.
Can be very beutiful for the people living their.
Tend to be coastal providing jobs in fishing, trade and toruism throught the natural beutty.
Exposure and vulnerability to tectonic hazards over time
Temportal changes in hazards
Disaster responce curve