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The crisis of Parliament and the outbreak of the First Civil War, 1640-42 …
The crisis of Parliament and the outbreak of the First Civil War, 1640-42
The Grand Remonstrance
The Irish rebellion, October 1641
Reported eventsWhen MPs returned to Westminster in October 1641, there were rumours of a rising among Irish Catholics and attacks on Protestant settlers in Ireland. These rumours developed into reports of a massacre:
- 200,000 killed in Ulster - reported more than its entire population.
- Stories of invasive force - rumour of Irish army landing in North-west England.
- Fear of English Catholics rising up and joining/supporting the Irish.
Impact in EnglandTales of Brutality and torture were increasing daily, in reality only a few thousand deaths. Fear of Catholicism and a mistrusted King in combination.Claim that Charles had backed the Rebels emerged - further convinced MPs and the population a Popish Plot.CATHOLIC HYSTERIA
- Those in politics agreed that an army needed to be raised to put down the rebellion.
- Debate over control of force - Many believed Charles could not be trusted despite it being his prerogative.
Debates over the Grand Remonstrance, November 1641
Content of the RemonstranceIn November Pym introduced a lengthy document which outlined criticisms of Charles reign:
- Long list of Grievances over financial and religious matters, many related to Personal rule behaviour.
- Parliamentary approval of minsters in the future.
- Removal of Bishops Votes from the House of Lords.
- More Parliamentary control over the Military
The DebateDebate took place 22-23 November, before Charles had returned from Scotland.Commons approved the Remonstrance by 159 to 148 votes. Closeness showed that the country was divided between radicalism and conservatismTENSIONS INCREASED:
- Commons published remonstrance before Charles had a chance to respond to it.
- Crowds demanding the removal of Bishops from the House of Lords formed outside parliament.
- Crowds prevented a number of Bishops from taking their seats - Commons impeached 12 Bishops after they complained about the legitimacy of laws passed in their absence.
- Militia Bill - Presented by Arthur Hailsreig in December. Provided an army under Parliamentary control to tackle Irish rebellion. Flocked moderates to Charles side.