Also known as eLogistics, ecommerce logistics refers to all the logistics processes that are carried out in an ecommerce, processes that involve storage, inventory transfer, merchandise management, packaging, and online orders.
In e-commerce logistics, this is the generic name for the entire product process in your online store, from stock storage and management to order preparation and delivery to the customer (including eventual returns).
E-logistics implies the management of information in real time, in order to know, at all times, where and in what state each item is. In addition, it is also necessary to know the situation of the stock and inventory, as well as to have a comprehensive vision of everything that happens in the supply chain.
How many types of logistics are there?
- Supply logistics.
- Production Logistics.
- Stock Logistics.
- Information Logistics.
- Transport Logistics.
- Customs Logistics.
Logistics is the activity that plans, manages, controls the storage and shipment of goods in a supply chain. Its main objective is to manage all operations related to the movement of raw materials or products in the most efficient way possible.
The importance of logistics lies in the fact that thanks to it, it is possible to locate the finished product of the company in the required place, at the indicated time, in the best quality conditions, in the most profitable way possible.