When injury happen, tissues destruct and blood vessels ruptured and cause bleeding. Ruptured vessels constrict, slowing down blood flow, causing platelet to aggregate forming scab to seal off the wound. Acute inflammation happens, the wound become red and hot. Vessels vasodilate causing more neutrophils and macrophages migrated to the wound site. The neutrophils kill bacteria and macrophages phagocytose dead cells and foreign particles. Macrophages release angiogenic substance which stimulates capillary substance and the granulation process. Then proliferative phase begins where fibroblasts proliferate in wound and secrete glycoprotein+collagen. It also secrete growth factors to promote angiogenesis and formation of epithelial cells around the wound edge. Thus, macrophages, fibroblasts, and new capillaries formed granulation tissue. Fibroblasts also secrete collagen to strengthen the wound. Then wound remodeling occur to reorganize fibers, wound contracts increasing tissue integrity. epidermal cells grow over connective tissue tissue to close the wound