my discipline skills
how i can improve/ what are my methods
what disipline means
an evaluation of my dedication
what can i improve/ what makes me dedicated
what dedication is
what steps i took to improve it
what its like now and how i can continue to improve it
what my school/work life balance has been like in the past
what is a school/work life balance and why is it important?
how can i continue to improve?
how and why have they improved?
what is time management and why is it important ?
how have my time management skills been in the past?
an evaluation of what makes my research skills how they are now, global perspectives, reading, English, research for fun.
how are my research skills?
why research skills are important
how motivated am I?
what can I/have I done/do to improve?
what is motivation and why is it important?
why is collaboration important for independent study?
an evaluation of my collaboration skills
what is collaboration?
how have i improved? and how can i continue to do so?
struggle to remain focused
get distracted easily.
I have already improved quiet a lot but the only way to improve further is learning to resist temptation.
how committed a person is to a task or purpose.
dedicated but still willing to improve.
outreach club is a good example of my dedication.
i can always improve and become more dedicated.
a school/work life balance means finding the right quantities of school/work vs life.
it is important because if you have too much school or work you become burnt out more easily but if you don't have enough, you will be unable to achieve your life goals.
in the past I've always had either:
too much work/school
too much life
I mostly just experimented with different levels of each
right now, I feel I'm at the closest to the corrected balance i ever have been but I can still improve.
i think the best way for me to continue to improve is to continue experimenting.
time management refers to the ability to manage your time.
time management is important because with out it it would be impossible to hand things in on time and to complete tasks
my time management has not been good in the past, i always either waited until the last minute or rushed to finish early.
I've improved my time management skills using metacognition to change my thinking and behavior.
using more metacognitive techniques
practicing the skills I already have
collaboration means to work together with others.
while it may seem like collaboration isn't important to study independently it's still an extremely important skill.
its important to work well in groups
its important to connect with others because humans are social creatures.
its important to know how to ask for help
i think i have good collaboration skills because of my social nature and my experience working in teams.
i used to have extreme social anxiety so i worked on talking and socializing with others. this was helpful to gain the perspective of others.
I could improve further by learning to listen to other thoughts, opinions and ideas more, as well as learning to be less judgmental.
motivation refers to someones drive to do something
motivation is important because without it nothing would get done.
I am a results-orientated person so i loose motivation quickly when I cannot see progress. this means i have less motivation for slow tasks.
there is always room for more improvement and im still looking for more methods.
i find that setting myself small attainable goals with rewards helps me stay focussed and motivated.
it is important to know how to research properly so that you can include the correct and accurate information in your tasks.
i think my research skills are good but they can always be better and the best way to improve is to continue practicing