Endogenous factors - internal factors which shape a places character i.e, the location and how well connected the place is, topography, land use, infastructure
Exogenous factors - external factors which shape the landcape and the relationship it has with other places i.e, demographic, socio-economic shifting flows of people, resources money and investment
flows of people e.g 37% of Londons population weren't born there and the bangles community infelucen the culture and food of brixton
Shifting flows of people
Flows of people can cause regional migration from rural and urban areas where there are more services available, in developing countries has changed levels of social inequality e.g. in India large-scale rural to urban migration has led to slums (illegal overcrowded settlement that lack basic services) developing in cities like Mumbai
Migrants may be younger to find work lowering average of age
new culture ideas i.e, brick lane evidence of chainin culture as streets signs are in Bangui
Shifting flows of investment and ideas
Flow of money, investment can introduced new culture ideas and change characterises of place e.g fas food companies from the US (Mcdonalds) opening in China resulting in western food having a larger influence on local culture food
investment into infrastructure can reduce social deprivation by providing more services
Shifting flows of investment
Flows of money can change demographic characterises e.g. in 1981 to redevelop the docklands in London to improve the economy resulted in population increase