The main sources of waste resources in industry are:
excessive transportation of components and products,excessive inventory holding,unnecessary movement by employees, waiting time ( delay in the production process),over-production ( producing in excess of demand),over-processing ( making goods too complex although it can be designed in simple way),defects ( products, components that does not meet quality standard) ,underutilised talent ( not giving employees the opportunity to use all of their abilities)
The purpose of the lean production concept is to reduce or remove all of these causes of waste to achieve high productivity. This is because high productivity can produce more output using same resource. This could lead to increase sales/competitiveness/market share
Definition: cutting out anything in the production process that add complexity, cost and time, and they does not add value to the customer
-Lean production makes business “leaner”(more efficient in factors of production C.E.L.L) --> => Lean production is a concept of production, NOT a method of production.