The geographical
literature includes, at the very least, work on monuments and memorials (Atkinson
and Cosgrove, 1998; Foote, 1997; Forest and Johnson, 2002; Heffernan, 1995; Johnson,
1999; 2003; Marshall, 2004; Till, 1999; Whelan, 2002; Withers, 1996), the holocaust
and commemoration (Azaryahu, 2003; Charlesworth, 1994), cultural landscapes
(Duncan, 1990; Matless, 1998), nostalgia (Blunt, 2003), everyday landscapes and
re-memory (Tolia-Kelly, 2004), the nomenclature of public spaces (Alderman, 2002;
Azaryahu, 1996), the history of geographical knowledge (Withers, 2004), and
`haunted' landscapes (DeLyser, 1999; Hetherington and Degen, 2001; Till, 2005).