three experiments were used. The first to see if there was a difference in facial reseblance in males versus females and help establish if individuals looked like their group before they were admitted.. They used a mix of 487 ferternities and soreities with freshmen and senior yearbook photos. Each partcipants rated one of the two photo sets for half of each genders total set on a scale of 1-7, on 1 of 4 traits (attractiveness, competence, dominace, or trustworthiness) essential to impression formation. To achive acceple levels of reliability in rating of traits they recruited 960 partcipants. They also used a software called FaceGen Modeller to quantify face shape. when the analysis was run with both genders together they found that group member did physically resembled each other before joining the group, in both the subjective"human" and objective "computer analysis" section. intrestingly, when the genders were split it seems there was less predicitve of resemblance in males than female.