How can we effectively reduce the risk of dementia?
Dementia Education
Develop a Dementia Risk Reduction Product
Education vs. Literacy
Public health crisis
Leading killer of women in Aus
Second killer in Aus
Regional Aus (marginalised pop)
Inner Regional
Sunshine Coast
Outer Regional
Collaboration/Participatory Design
Healthy Older Adults 65+yr
People with Dementia
Have older adults design a DRRE product for their local community (FG)
Public Health Crisis
Leading killer of women in Aus
Second killer in Aus
How can reduce the risk of dementia in older adults?
Dementia Education
Lack of dissemination: health information/resources
Focuses on just one or the "most popular" type of dementia
Majority of education is towards family/caregivers
Regional, Rural, and Remote Older Adults in AUS
Dementia misinformation
Growing number of older adults in AUS
Dementia education around risk reduction
Modifiable risk factors
Low Education (early life)
Hypertension (mid-life)
Excessive alcohol (mid-life)
Smoking (late-life)
Obesity (mid-life)
Depression (late-life)
Traumatic Brain Injury (mid-life)
Hearing impairment (mid-life)
Physical inactivity (late-life)
Social Isolation (late-life)
Air pollution (late-life)
Diabetes (late-life)
WHO: Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017-2025 plan
Dementia risk reduction: provide evidence-based interventions to inform the general public about the management of MRF that are shared with other noncommunicable diseases to minimise and/or reduce the progression of dementia.
Marginalised population
Lack of dementia knowledge and education
Poorer health outcomes
76.5% think AD is normal
76% think nothing can be done about getting dementia
80% greater risk of late-life CI/dementia
Reduced life expectancy of up to 12 years (vs. metropolitan areas)
Lower health services
geographical isolation, limited health-care resources, reduced financial support
Acute health crisis > preventative health behaviours
Collaboration/Participatory Design
Bottom-up approach
Involvement of End-users/Stakeholders
Customised/Tailored care
My PhD Project!
Focus Group Guide Questions
Setup structure: name, length, time, product type, delivery method
Survey Regional Australia
Dementia knowledge/literacy
Health information acquisition
Interest in a DRRE product
Dementia perception/awareness/worries
Modifiable Risk Factors
Behavioural habits that affect dementia
External/Environmental factors that affect dementia
MRF Rankings
Establish relationships with local community care services
OA's perception of the MRF
Dementia Friendliness Communities: OA's perception of MRF for their community
OA's Review/Assess DRRE product - get feedback
Lifestyle habits related to dementia risk
Dementia attitude
What do OA's know already about dementia?
What do OA's want to know about dementia?
How do they want this information presented to them?
StepUp for Dementia Research(?)