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The Boss Room, Character Data Struct - Coggle Diagram
The Boss Room
Isometric 3d camera, top down view
In the garden of eden, the snake convinces eve to taste of a fruit from a tree known as the sab dekhakar. A thing older than god itself, and the foundation upon the garden of eden was built
The sab dekhakar encodes itself into the DNA of eve. Granting her full knowlege of the universe, and removing her nature. Her body is now crafted in divine manner, not suited for any evolutionary niche but instead is more generally suited.
Eve feeds the rest of the fruit to the snake who consiquently becomes adam. God in anger burns the garden and the sab dekhakar to the ground, expouding all creature from it.
In the far future the US, a now strugling world power nobody has the confidence to back is loosing footing to a recently founded nation named New America settled in america.
In a facility in nevada at the site of an old nuclear waste plant a dream team of scientests have assembled in a last hope to bring down new america
Test subjects are given a series of mechanical biological and mithiological enhancements to make supersoldiers. And decide to face pseudo random combinations against each other to find unlikely but powerful combinations.
They recive a POW said to have odd powers to test on. He has recived the fruit of eve. It is found that he has a special blood type that reacts destrutively with other human bloods. It is composed of six components known as the six venoms. The combinations of venoms are distributed amongst the populus of test subjects
Game character manages to attain one of the six venoms upon completeing the gameplay loop. The venom of nature. It doubles the players stats every round. But prevents the player from changing out their body parts.
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New america is winning because they have mechanical soldiers known as angles that fight for them. These angels are supplied by the divine hand
The sab created a specific DNA sequence that enables human minds to understand the universe in its entirety naturally. It is passed to some of her decendants and known as the fruit of eve
Rocket Launcher
Ultra Slow, explosive rounds
Ammo Type
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Super Long Range Fast, Low DMG