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Resource reliance - Coggle Diagram
Resource reliance
Food production
Intensive farming
Uses fertilisers and pesticides, less environmentally sustainable
Very expensive, less economically sustainable
GM crops
Crops can be designed to have higher yields, more resistance to weather, disease and pests
Increases food security, more socially sustainable
Less water is required, reduced risk of disease and pests, increases environmentaly sustainability
Very expensive, less socially sustainable
Food security
Access to food
Less developed areas like Africa and Asia consume less food, more people suffer from hunger
Theories about food
Boserups's theory
If supply became limited, people would develop new ways to increase production
Bottum-up Approaches
Urban Gardens
Add greenery to cities, more socially sustainable
Make urban areas less dependant on buying food from large scale agriculture, more economically sustainable
People are encouraged to grow their own food and change eating habits, and eating fewer animal products
Protects the soil and wildlife, so its environmentally sustainable.
Mixed cropping is used to grow mutiple crops in a location, less resources are needed, and it's more environmentally sustainable