What a sustainable city and community is, and how they are beneficial to society today.

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Sustainable cities and communities in America were originally founded in Vermont in 1990. Although the original idea came from people who lived in Eastern Europe.

The Vermont governor Madeleine M. Kunin traveled to Bulgaria and her policy advisor George Hamilton came along as well. During this trip Madeleine's attention was drawn to the environmental health changes of Eastern Europe.


What are some of the most sustainable cities around the world?


How sustainable cities and communities were formed

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After her first trip to Eastern Europe Madeleine along with George Hamilton created a new organization.

How Madeleine M. Kunin helped other countries with their sustainable cities and communities

In 2005 the board of directors of the ISC focused on climate change and environmental health in the United Stated and Asia.

By doing this the organization was able to partner with many different university and companies to develop practical solutions to reduce harmful emissions.

Their organization was called The Institute for Sustainable Communities ISC. Which was located in Eastern Europe.

Sustainable communities are sustainable to the environment in terms of cleanliness and efficiency.

Important Facts about sustainable cities and communities

These communities are resilient to economic, social, and natural shocks. And they are well prepared with equipment for when a natural disaster could strike.

These communities are inclusive meaning they bring all dimensions of society together. including economic status, religion, and race.

The cities and communities are also competitive in the way that they are always able to provide jobs for their residents and members of the community.

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Copenhagen, Denmark - has a goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2025

Berlin, Germany - has a green city solution in place because they are trying to make their city more green.

Tokyo, Japan - has worked on lowering their total emissions, by trying to find ways to reduce traffic.

London, UK - have a plan in place where they are trying to make London a zero emissions zone by 2025.

Stockholm, Sweden - has worked on creating more flexible work schedules

Seattle, Washington - has a clean buildings law in place, that requires building owners to keep their buildings clean.

Oslo, Norway - And they have worked on reducing air pollution by using reusable energy.

Paris, France - Has a plan in place to prevent pollution and littering to keep their city a greener place.

San Fransisco, California - has a plan to make transit around their city more pedestrian friendly.


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They will have resilience and adaptability

They will have self contained social communities

They will have carbon neutrality

They will have zero emission transportation.

They will have green infrastructure

They will be making space for the future.


What sustainable cities and communities will look like in the future.

Sustainable cities and communities are a thing of the present and the future. They are a great concept to help make our world a better place, and they will help preserve our world so that we will be able to enjoy it longer in the future.