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Sprint 1 - 2 - Coggle Diagram
Sprint 1 - 2
13/02/2023 to19/02/2023
Get access to worpdress, install Yoast SEO plugin and edit settings to fit our needs
Add google reviews, each one of us has a minimum of 2 google gmail accounts, that is easy 8 good reviews
Post 5 juicy job offers on LinkedIn,
Determine content
create a content based on : news, articles, tips, or promotions.
06/02/2023 to12/02/2023
- Identify best backlinks used by competitors, consider linking to them
Get access to worpdress, install Yoast SEO plugin and edit settings to fit our needs
Think of changing web servers, list different options for comparison
Do KW research, report 10 long tail keywords with possible ranking difficulty
Create a plan for the prospect journey ( warming, introducing the problem, giving the offer )