The Five Teaching Styles and How I Can Make Them Fit My Visual Learning Style






Teacher tends to lecture while using chalkboards.

Students are expected to listen and take notes.

Teacher prefers to lecture, but likes to show students what they are doing.

Uses visual aids, hand outs, and power point presentations.

Teacher relies heavily on class discussion.

Also relies on student participation.

Provides prompts and guiding questions.

Structures class around student run projects.

Their own teaching takes a backseat to students teaching one another.

Uses multiple techniques.

Provides opportunities for different learning styles.

As a visual learner with this teacher, I would listen, take notes, and highlight important points.

As a visual learner with this teacher, I would use a mixture of my learning techniques that I use with other types of teachers, depending on how the class is run that day.

As a visual learner with this teacher, I would take advantage of the hand outs and study them. I would also draw out the visual aids in my notes, and take notes of important key points in presentations.

As a visual learner with this teacher, I would take notes of things that stick out to me from the other students' discussions. I would write questions I would ask my fellow classmates.

As a visual learner with this teacher, I would use the prompts and guiding questions as a study tool by keeping them in my notes.