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Tranlation of Americanisms
The term Americanism is also used in a complementary sense: words from foreign languages (primarily from the languages of the colonizers, Spanish and English) that are modified for use among Native American populations.
The Americanisms are words borrowed from American Indian languages and used in other languages. For examples: tobacco , chocolate, hammock .
Parking lot
Drug store
Car park
Translation of international and psuedo international words
Greek,latin and french words
The so called psuedo-international words constitute a special difficulty for the translator.
The psuedo -international words differ in meaning from language to language either completely.
complexion-цвет лица
Translation of heading
Article headlines
an email, a social media post, an advertisement
Translation of neologism
High school-средняя школа
Дом отдыха- Resort
descriptive translation
Translation of context dependent words
Standard dependency units are relatively easy to translate at the level of lexico-grammatical correspondences taking into account the typological characteristics of the two languages.
The messages are normally very stereotyped and context-dependent.
Сообщения, как правило, очень стереотипны и зависят от контекста.
Our experimental results varied substantially from the few other large-scale experiments, which suggests that ecosystem-level responses to nutrient enrichment are largely context-dependent.
Наши экспериментальные результаты существенно колеблются от нескольких других крупномасштабных экспериментов, которые показывают, что на уровне экосистем реакция на избыток питательных веществ в значительной степени зависят от контекста.
A possible explanation for this is based on the theory of context-dependent memory.
Возможное объяснение этому основано на теории контекстно-зависимой памяти.
Lexico semantic transformations
Expansion or generalization
Expansion (generalization) of the original meaning takes place when the measure of information ordering of the original unit is higher than the information ordering of the corresponding unit in the translating language.
The bird went up and circled again
Птица поднялась выше и снова стала делать круги
Functional substitution
. The need for this technique arises when none of the correspondences, offered by the dictionary does not fit the given context.
“the relaxation of the well-earned rest”
" наслаждаясь заслуженным отдыхом”
Narrowing (specification) the original meaning is used when the measure of information ordering of an initial unit is lower than the degree of ordering of the corresponding meaning unit in the translating language
Narrowing of the field of view occurs with further progression of pathology.
Сужение социальной ответственности государства вопреки многолетней аргентинской традиции.
A narrowing of the spine space around the spinal cord can put pressure on nerves.
Сужение позвоночного пространства вокруг спинного мозга может оказывать давление на нервы.
Descriptive translation
Descriptive translation is used in comments to the text and footnotes.
conservationist is a supporter of environmental protection, whistle-stop speech is a candidate’s speech during an election campaign trip.
" кружало"
“русское деревянное зодчество (архитектура)
Descriptive translation is a complex transformation which is used to explain the meaning of SL units, often with the help of hierarchically different TL units
Semantic development or modulation
With semantic development (or modulation) a word or phrase from the source language is replaced by a unit from the translated language, the meaning of which is logically derived from the meaning of the source unit.
I don’t blame them. Я их понимаю
Manson slung his bag up and climbed into the battered gig behind a tall,angular black horse
Мэнсон поставил свой чемодан и влез в расхлябанную двуколку,запряженную крупной костлявой черной лошадью.
Emphatisation, neutralisation
“a cow-eyed girl”,
девица с коровьими глазами or волоокая красавица;
девушка с большими глазами
Translation of non-equivalent vocabulary
there are two approaches to the definition of the concept of "non-equivalent vocabulary" that can be distinguished based on different interpretations of the term "equivalent".
The method of identifying non-equivalent vocabulary proposed in the article can be used in conducting pre-translation analysis, particularly when performing educational translations or in scientific research.
Translation of context independent words
This context-independent ban is obviously absurd, and, of course, has never been systematically applied.
Такой не зависящий от контекста запрет очевидно абсурден и, разумеется, не применяется систематически.
No general, context-independent answers can be given to such questions.
На эти вопросы нельзя дать общие, контекстуально обусловленные ответы.
The terms must be context-independent and have a single, precise meaning (monosemantic).
Условия должны быть независимыми от контекста и иметь единственное, точное (однозначное) значение.