When Covid struck, the plant closed. A quarter of the households fell into poverty, fumbling through foreign government programmes just to feed. Drugs and alcohol abuse, already the calm epidemic through the coal loop, doubled and tripled. And so the forces that killed the power station turned into the lazy vice, tightening to break the coal mine. These cycles led into the salary cut then the layoff, each slicing off a portion of the group. Judas (11 years old) belonged to one of such households in poverty. Help him to decide how to navigate his way out of poverty.


steal educational materials to study

be useless

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dont know how to read

sell it for profit

get scammed


dont know math so no profit at all. bought and sold for same price

fall asleep

not interested

keep going at it and earn more money to eventually feed the hosuehold

dont know how to study

at an even greater loss, jeopardising the entire family of starvation

at an even greater loss, jeopardising the entire family of starvation

wake up and try again

efforts pay off, educated

at an even greater loss, jeopardising the entire family of starvation



traded off

lower than promised


able to support the family


bite your tongue and live on

child labour for someone else

killed and sold on black market

escape and get adopted

start a new life

run away

take your life


not used to the urban lifestyle, hit by car and died



burden to the family, unable to afford any medical attention


mild abrasion

cross the road

situation gets worse, ask boss for help?

boss helps and notices your hard work, extra money

unable to move out the way of oncoming traffic, dead

unhealthy and poorly taken care of due to a lack of knowledge



becomes dangerous and starts a new disease


spreads and kills

back to work

Boss needs money. You want give him

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