Beowulf vocab


Lacking physical strength, especially as a result old age or illness.

King Viserys, once strong and healthy, hated his young second wife had to help him up the stairs or tend to his wounds because he hated being seen as feeble by his court.

strong, weak



Make more beautiful or attractive

In Game of Thrones, every major character from the seven Kingdoms dreamed of being adorned with the crown and sitting atop the Iron Throne.

strip, decorate

Move around stealthily in search of prey.

Larys prowled around the castle finding intel for Queen Alicent to help her put her son, Aegon II, on the Iron Throne instead of the rightful heir Rhyneara.


Steer (as in a ship). This is used in common culture as way to say someone is in charge of something.

Westeros was in a state of chaos especially when Joffrey, who was cruel and soulless was at the helm of the seven kingdoms.


Everyday ordinary way of talking, rather than more formal language.

The Maestas talked rather formally while characters like Jon Snow talked in a more colloquial way.

tiller, push


Force or oblige someone to do something.

Ramsey had unique and cruel ways to compel people to do what he wanted them to do.

discourage, force


A record of yearly events

The day Daenerys used her dragon to burn a huge portion of King’s Landing will live in the annals of infamy.

records, future

fool hardy

Recklessly bold or rash

Jamie Lannister was one of the most foolhardy characters because instead of taking the opportunity to get away from his toxic twin sister, he returned for her and died in the burning of King’s Landing.

wise, reckless


Begin a course of action that is important or demanding.

Arya Stark embarked on a journey of self-discovery because she wanted to learn to be a warrior instead of a wife.

take off, land