Diagnostic assessment examples will make the diagnostic assessment meaning clearer. The following are ways in which instructors from different fields use various types of diagnostic assessment tools:
Introductory physics: A set of conceptual questions is used to assess understanding of physics fundamentals at the start of the course.
Psychology: The instructor conducts a survey to understand students’ assumptions about concepts such as the nature of mind versus the nature of behavior.
Course with group work: The instructor rolls out a self-assessment, where group members rate themselves on certain parameters. Specific examples of their previous group work are collected to understand each individual’s mindset.
Creative or fine arts: The instructor collects portfolios to judge the artistic abilities of fine arts students.
Other examples of diagnostics that can be used for assessing students: journals, quiz/test, Conference/Interview, posters, performance tasks, mind maps, gap-closing, student surveys, anticipation guides, grafiti walls, word splash parallel activity, kwl, formal assessment.