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Translation of content-independent words
Context-independent properties are activated by the word for a concept on all occasions. The activation of these properties is unaffected by contextual relevance.
Context-independent properties form the core meanings of words,
Translation of context-dependent words
Context-dependent words are those words whose meanings are not fully activated when presented in isolation.•He is known for his radical attitudes.Examples: Он известен своими радикальными взглядами He has a friendly attitude forwards us. Он к вам относится по-дружески.
Functional words
Function words have been identified in previous research as conjunctions, prepositions, relative pronouns, and auxiliary verbs
irregular past tense verbs
Irregular past tense verbs involve pronunciations and spellings that differ from their present tense forms and only appear in sentence contexts.
The interests of the community – интересы общества
Black (white) community – негритянское (белое) население
Financial (business) community – финансовые (деловые) круги
European Economic Community – Европейское экономическое сообщество
Technological community – техническое сотрудничество
1) служба, должность;
• 2) обязанность, долг, функция;
3) власть;
•4) аппарат, контора;
•5) ведомство, министерство;
6) пост;
•7) in office – у власти и др.
Law and order – законность и порядок
Civil law – гражданское право
Law-court – суд
The strengthening of law – укрепление правопорядка
Turkey’s pattern of development since 1948 cannot be explained only as a drive for self-sufficiency.
•Путь (характер) развития Турции с 1948 года нельзя объяснить одним лишь стремлением к экономической самостоятельности.
The important task of preserving peace mainly with the great powers.
•На великих державах лежит важная задача сохранения мира.
•Electric power can easily be transferred over long distances.
• Электроэнергию можно легко передавать на большие расстояния.
The word contextual meaning is that meaning which is realised depending on the micro-, macro- or extra-linguistic context
Micro context: Immediate features of the present situation; past and present learning and reinforcement history.
(E.g. responses and habits)
Macro context: Large-scale, complex, and enduring patterns of environments.
(E.g. gender, social class, religion, race, processes of social identity and influence)
Translation of headings
A headline is the phrase with which an email, a social media post, an advertisement, an article, a landing page, an advertisement, etc. begins.
Article headlines in the English-language press are collocations, and since their main function is to attract the reader's attention, it is important to be aware of their structure in order to understand and translate
The following features of headings
should be kept in mind:
A common form of English heading is the A nominative sentence (whether it is a single noun or consists of two or more N+N nouns):
The greatest difficulty in translation is obviously the use of word-play phrases and deliberately altered stable expressions in the titles,
If the heading is a complete sentence, it is sometimes necessary to read the article or at least the first paragraph in order to understand the meaning.
English headings can be represented by a word combination with a participle or a gerund:
Complete sentences as headings (without the omission of function words, articles and prepositions) are not very common.
E.g: Small Investments That Make A Big Difference – небольшие инвестиции, играющие большую роль.
Headings are often structured as ellipses, i.e. sentences in which certain words are omitted in order to attract attention.
Sara Lee (is) to refocus (its) activities.
Компания “Сара Ли” собирается сделать новый акцент в своей деятельности
Colons and question marks are used in headlines to attract attention:
Translation of neologism
Neologisms are new words that have not yet been registered in dictionaries (already existing in the language).
2) Consult the latest edition of one of the English-Russian or Russian-English
1)find out the meaning of the word from the context;
Formation of neologisms
I. Expanding the meaning: The word used in different contexts acquires new shades of meaning, and in some cases new meanings..
III. Formation of neologism by
conversion, substantiation and adjectivation: To front-page – помещать на первой странице
To snowball – быстро распространяться (расти как снежный ком)
II. Prefixal and suffixal formation Of new words: The prefix “re” stands for repetition of the action (повторность действия) Rethinking- переосмысление
Transmission of International and pseudo-inteenational words, or “false friends of traslator”
When translating, it is important to distinguish between truly international words that are similar in spelling and sound in different languages and have the same meaning, and words that look alike have a different meaning. .
False friends of the translatorˮ refer to words of mostly Latin and Greek origin with similar but a different meaning in English and Russian.
Accurate – песочный, а не аккуратный
Actual – фактический, а не актуальный
Object – цель, предмет, а не объект
Prospect – вид, перспектива, а не проспект
Subject – вопрос, предмет, а не субъект
Technique – метод, методика, а не техника
The modern period of interaction between American and British variants of English is characterized by their differences in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, idiomatic and even punctuation.
In grammar, Americanisms manifest themselves in the following ways:
Use of Past Simple instead of Past Perfect:
After he came back home he ate dinner (instead “after he had come”).
In the American version, there is a clear tendency not to respect the rule of tense agreement: He said he is feelling bad
Instead of Present Perfect - Past Simple (Indefinite) is used:
“They just left” instead “They have just left”
Americanisms in grammar can also include the use of prepositions and articles that differ from the British version;
Translation non-equivalent vocabulary
Russian Realia
Techniques for translating Realias
Lexical-semantic transformations
Language units that can express different meanings depending on context, situation and subtext require special translation techniques.
Narrowing (specification) the original meaning is used when the measure of information ordering of an initial unit is lower than the degree of ordering of the corresponding meaning unit in the translating language, e.g. a Russian “исследовать”
can refer to different situational contexts and context-ordered to a large extent; in English it will correspond to a variety of
The English meaning of the word "man" is quite broad and can be used in contexts that require a word with a more specific meaning in Russian, for example: He is a man of taste. Он человек со вкусом.All the King’s men. Все королевские солдаты.
Selecting among these basic techniques of lexico-semantic transformations is one of the translator's professional skills.
In such cases, when what matters is not the word itself, but the meaning that it acquires in the context of the source word, the translator resorts to transformations.
Expansion (generalization) of the original meaning takes place when the measure of information ordering of the original unit is higher than the information ordering of the corresponding unit in the translating language.
With semantic development (or modulation) a word or phrase from the source language is replaced by a unit from the translated language