Step 2:
66-Year-old White Male presents to the ED with Dyspnea accompanied by his wife.
Appearance: well nourished, toxic appearance, pallor, diaphoretic.
HPI: For three days after a boating accident patient has been having chest discomfort, indigestion after coughing, thick yellow phlegm starting to smell bad, chest discomfort worse when taking a breath, deep pain in both sides of his lungs, chest hurts more at night, sitting up helps breathing, headache, sweating.
Past Medical/Surgical History: Hypertension, sleep apnea. No trauma or diagnosed lung diseases.
Family History: Mother had asthma
Social History: Beers on the lake, non-smoker
Allergies: Penicillin and seasonal allergies
Medications: Lisinopril for HTN, Zyrtec for Seasonal allergies
Any swelling in the feet, ankles or legs?
Do you know if you snore, or have you been told that you snore at night?
If so, do they occur more in the morning?
Do you wake up suddenly?
If so, do you have gasping or choking with it?
Family History
Have your wife been diagnosed with any bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections?
Social History
Are you employed?
If so, do you ever deal with harsh chemicals?
If you worked with harsh chemicals, did you wear a mask?