M5U3A3: Grouping and Differentiation for English Writing/Reading

High Ability Grouping

Middle Ability Grouping

Lower Ability Grouping

If students are operating at around their age (or are above but have a significant additional need), then they have been placed in the middle ability group.

Using the data, if students are operating significantly above their age on the English CEM test and they have strong summative assessment (blue/dark blue), then they have been selected for the high ability group.

If students are operating at around their age (or are above but have a significant additional need), then they have been placed in the middle ability group.

Interests, summative PiRA assessment and diagnostic CEM data have been used to inform the groupings.

Focusing on completing Fluency 1 and 2

If students are all working on the same activity worksheet, then there are differentiated expectations regarding what sections of the worksheet they should be completing. As above can be seen above.

Middle Ability Group: Focusing on completing Fluency 1, 2, 3

Focusing on completing Fluency 1, 2, 3

Focusing on completing Fluency 2, 3, 4

If viewed as multiple homogenous groups, then the students considered assigned to each grouping can work on different worksheets as they have shown mastery over the previous steps

Alternatively, students may be a worksheet ahead. For example, the lower ability group are working through recognising speech punctuation, whilst the middle group are working on the 'using speech punctuation' worksheet, and the higher group are working on the 'direct or indirect speech' worksheet having shown mastery over the previous worksheets/concepts

Lower Ability Group: Focusing on completing Fluency 1 and 2

High Ability Group: Focusing on completing Fluency 2, 3, 4