
Shelter & Tools


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What clothing did Indigenous people in this region wear in the past?

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What materials did they use to build their shelters?

What tools and weapons did they use in their daily life?

What kind of shelter did Aboriginal people in this region live in?

How did their shelter protect them from the environment?
Think about the region that they live in.

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gloo is thick so you can have a fire inside. You can stay warm and protected

Since the shape is a dome, if it rains or snows, the ice/snow can slide off

The wind is probably really strong , there are no real trees for protection

Need protection from polar bears

Using what is ON THE LAND to make it - the thickness of the snow creates protection

Maybe it could help camoflage?

spears, harpoons, arrows, bows, knives, ulus,traps, nets, hooks, pestles, and the pump drill.

Typically a shelter was made from a frame of branches and covered with leafy branches or sheets of bark

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in the winter igloos .

Inuits he lived near the coast used sod wale bones and rocks to create shelters.

Others used stretched caribou skins over wooden frames.

some used summer tents.

Most inuit today use wooden houses.


What kind of transportation did Indigenous people in this region use to get around?

Where did this group travel?

Why did this group travel to different places?

Traditionally, the Inuit inhabitants of the Arctic were hunters and gatherers

The ancestors of today's Inuit moved east into Arctic Canada and Greenland

They used snowshoes, toboggans, canoes and sleds.

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