Chapter 8 : Universal Design & User Support

Definition : Process of designing product so that they can be used by as many people as possible in as many situations as possible.

Universal Design Principles

⭐ Equitable Use

⭐ Flexibility in Use

⭐ Simple and Intuitive to Use

⭐ Perceptible Information

⭐ Tolerance for Error

⭐ Low Physical Effort

⭐ Size and Space for approach and use

Multi Sensory System

⭐ Speech

⭐ Non-Speech

⭐ Handwriting

⭐ Senses

⭐ Touch


User with disabilities

⭐ Visual Impairment

⭐ Hearing Impairment

⭐ Physical Impairment

⭐ Speech Impairment

⭐ Dyslexia

⭐ Age groups

⭐ Cultural Differences

User Support

⭐ Issues

⭐ Types of User Support

⭐ Help and Documentation

⭐ Approaches to User Support

🚩 Command Assistance

🚩 Command Prompt

🚩 On-line Tutorials

🚩 On-line Documentation

🚩 Wizards and Assistants